Thursday, December 17, 2015

The World as of Today

I find it utterly ridiculous that these presidential candidate's can only discuss other people's problems. What about the homeless men and women and children sleeping in front or around the White House. What about the Veterans who receive absolutely no care when the fought for this Country. And the so called War on Drugs is a absolute JOKE. When are the people of this country going to start caring about the leaders of it. Maybe I'm just angry or maybe i could be right....WHAT DO YOU THINK???

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The state of being black in America is becoming very slim we are being hunted by the people who are sworn to protect us. How can this happen in the greatest country in world land of the free home of the brave but deep in America's mind is to bring back or go even further to kill off the ancestors of black American slaves. How can this be when we have a so called African American president

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Life Changing Event

Hey it's Walter
How is your Sunday going?

It might be fair to say
that you have never attempted
to build an online business
before or even know anyone who has.

You might be someone who has
attempted to make money online
only to fall flat on your face
vowing that you will never try again.

I get that! I was in that
same boat too a little over a
year ago. Here is what
I found out though.

There is a concept that is
simple to learn and easy to grasp
in order to make a living online.

Ready? Here it is.

1.Find a system
  that explains the full ins
  and outs on how to build a
  business on the internet and
  make it so simple that a 12 year old
  can understand it.

2. Find ways of putting people
   that want to change their lives
   and income in front of that system.

3. Have others that coach and guide
   the people on how they can use
   the system to create their desired

4. Give them the necessary tools to
   help them succeed.
That's it.
This is exactly what Ipas does for you
and why so many others are getting
results from day one. check out the system here

Just started a cool new project and am looking for people who want to make an extra $750 this month.. let me know if you're interested and I'll send you some info..

Just started a cool new project and am looking for people who want to make an extra $750 this month.. let me know if you're interested and I'll send you some info.. if you go to this link you will watch a free video to learn more about this life changing opportunity